There are currently 7,000 men, women and children living in a makeshift refugee camp just across the Channel from us in Calais. They are being supported entirely by volunteers, mainly from the UK, and rely on this aid entirely for food, shelter and clothing.
CM1 2 Calais organises collections of aid for the camp in Calais. We will be making our next collection at Skylark Church on the following dates:
Saturday 6th Feb, 10-2pm Saturday 13th Feb, 10-2pm
We will be collecting the following items: Tents (preferably 4 man) Sleeping bags (warm weather) Blankets (wool/ military style if possible) Hats Gloves Scarves Please only give things of great quality – either new or nearly new. Thank you!
Mission trip to Calais
As well as donating items, Calais really needs volunteers, Skylark Church will be organising a mission trip to the Calais camp on February